Wordscapes Level 525 Answers
Answers - Flora - Bloom
15 Words in Flora - Bloom - Level 525
2 Bonus Words in Flora - Bloom - Level 525
Wordscapes Level 525 from the Bloom Pack in the Flora Group features the letters BELMTU. These letters can be combined to form 15 words: BELT, BET, BLUE, BUT, ELM, EMU, LUBE, LUTE, MELT, MET, MULE, MUTE, TUB, TUBE and TUMBLE. In addition to these words, there are 2 exciting bonus words to uncover. This makes Level 525 both challenging and entertaining for all Wordscapes players.
Answer Definitions in Flora - Bloom - Level 525
a strip of leather or other material worn, typically round the waist, to support or hold in clothes or to carry weapons
risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game
of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day
used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned
a tall deciduous tree that typically has rough serrated leaves and propagates from root suckers
a large flightless fast-running Australian bird resembling the ostrich, with shaggy grey or brown plumage, bare blue skin on the head and neck, and three-toed feet
a lubricant
a plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front, rather like a halved egg in shape
make or become liquefied by heat
a secondary malignant growth at a distance from a primary site of cancer; a metastasis
the offspring of a donkey and a horse (strictly, a male donkey and a female horse), typically sterile and used as a beast of burden
refraining from speech or temporarily speechless
a wide, open, deep, typically round container with a flat bottom used for holding liquids, growing plants, etc.
a long, hollow cylinder of metal, plastic, glass, etc. for holding or transporting something, chiefly liquids or gases
fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong
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