Wordscapes Level 546 Answers
Answers - Flora - Seed
16 Words in Flora - Seed - Level 546
9 Bonus Words in Flora - Seed - Level 546
Wordscapes Level 546 from the Seed Pack in the Flora Group features the letters CFINOT. These letters can be combined to form 16 words: COIN, CON, FICTION, FIN, FIT, FONT, ICON, INFO, INTO, ION, NIT, NOT, TIC, TIN, TON and TONIC. In addition to these words, there are 9 exciting bonus words to uncover. This makes Level 546 both challenging and entertaining for all Wordscapes players.
Answer Definitions in Flora - Seed - Level 546
a flat disc or piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money
persuade (someone) to do or believe something by lying to them
literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people
a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates, including fish and cetaceans, and some invertebrates, used for propelling, steering, and balancing
of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
a receptacle in a church for the water used in baptism, typically a free-standing stone structure
a devotional painting of Christ or another holy figure, typically executed on wood and used ceremonially in the Byzantine and other Eastern Churches
expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else
an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons
the egg or young form of a louse or other parasitic insect, especially the egg of a human head louse attached to a hair
used with an auxiliary verb or ‘be’ to form the negative
a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face
a silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 50
a unit of weight equal to 2,240 lb avoirdupois (1016.05 kg)
a medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of vigour or well-being
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