Clues & Answers For The New York Times Mini
(February 22, 2025)
- 1. Size between sm. and lg. - Crossword Clue
- 4. Sharp parts of forks - Crossword Clue
- 6. Cutting device in a woodworking shop - Crossword Clue
- 8. Louise ___, Pulitzer-winning author of "The Night Watchman" and "The Mighty Red" - Crossword Clue
- 9. Faux meat option at Thanksgiving - Crossword Clue
- 10. Songs, informally - Crossword Clue
- 11. Drug also called acid - Crossword Clue
- 1. Consciously focused on the present moment - Crossword Clue
- 2. Evasive maneuvers - Crossword Clue
- 3. Wished for - Crossword Clue
- 4. Kind of deck with four suits: wands, cups, swords and pentacles - Crossword Clue
- 5. Tackles of the quarterback - Crossword Clue
- 6. "Oh yeah? Wanna ___?" - Crossword Clue
- 7. Preschooler's repeated question - Crossword Clue
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