Prepositions make up a small word class in English that connects nouns; they almost act as the glue to a sentence, telling us where or why. In English, prepositions are used all the time, and they don’t have to be as simple as on, at, in, though these are commonly used.

This article will explain prepositions and their uses and give you plenty of preposition examples for Grades 3-6+ and ESL. This grammar guide is designed for students to reinforce and demonstrate their command of standard English grammar as per the CCSS. There's a preposition examples quiz at the end for teachers to reinforce preposition grammar.

Preposition Grammar Rules

There are a few rules when using prepositions in a sentence. Let’s look at them now.

  1. Prepositions always need a noun. She went inside the cafe. By nouns, we mean nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, collective nouns, and gerunds.
  2. When using a pronoun after a preposition, it acts like an object. Sandra gave it to them. So, use pronouns in the object form; My, them, her, him, etc.
  3. A verb never follows prepositions. For example, Sandra over walked. ❌ If you want to use a verb, you must add -ing to make a verb in noun form.
  4. ‘To’ as a preposition is not the same as ‘to’ in the infinitive particle. If to is followed by a noun, then it's a preposition. To, as a preposition, indicates movement. For example, to school.

Preposition Rules Recap

Flip the flashcards to recap the preposition grammar rules with preposition examples.

Types Of Prepositions

There are many different types of prepositions examples. Let’s take a look at them.

Simple Prepositions With Examples

Simple prepositions are the easiest to learn. In fact, you’ve probably come across them before.

  • In
  • On
  • At
  • Over
  • Off
  • Under
  • From
  • For
  • Between
  • By
  1. She’s sitting between them.
  2. You will find the keys on the kitchen table when you arrive.
  3. I’m looking in the cupboard.
  4. Let’s meet at the station.
  5. They will be waiting for you by the car.
  6. This was meant for him.

Compound Prepositions With Examples

Compound prepositions or complex prepositions are when a simple preposition and another part of speech are used. They are a type of compound word.

  • In addition to
  • In front of
  • In spite of
  • In the middle of
  • Because of
  • On account of
  • Prior to
  • As well as
  1. Prior to coming today, we decided to visit my auntie.
  2. We’re in the middle of a heatwave.
  3. Nouns and verbs are essential to English. As well as adjectives.
  4. They didn’t make much money in spite of how well their lemonade stand went.
  5. In addition to working at the mall, she also had a job in the library.
  6. On account of your poor behavior, we won’t be going to the park.
  7. Her Vespa is parked in front of the beach house.

Double Prepositions With Examples

Double prepositions are when two prepositions are used together. They usually indicate direction or movement and are sometimes called directional prepositions or prepositions of movement.

  • Inside of
  • Next to
  • Within
  • Out of
  • Throughout
  • From behind
  • Onto
  • Without
  1. He got 7 out of 10 on his maths test.
  2. Look in the refrigerator; it should be next to the milk.
  3. It’s not within our capabilities.
  4. The sound was coming from behind the school.
  5. He jumped onto the scooter and sped away.
  6. I left my keys inside the house.
  7. Live within your budget and stop spending money!

Prepositional Phrases With Examples

Prepositional phrases are grouped words built by using objects, prepositions, and any modifying words needed to modify the object. They are used in the same way as other prepositions despite being wordy.

  • Out of place
  • On-time
  • To date
  • Under age
  • For a change
  • For granted
  • In my…
  • Through the…
  • With my…
  • According to…
  1. The bus arrived just on time.
  2. We walked through the park.
  3. According to Sally, we’ve been given an extra room.
  4. The children received gifts from their parents for Easter.
  5. I always take my parents for granted.
  6. Shakespeare can be considered one of the best playwrights to date.
  7. They’ve decided to go camping for a change.
  8. I always feel out of place at school.

Participle Prepositions With Examples

Participle prepositions are fascinating as they are verbs that act like or function like prepositions. Participle prepositions have endings like -ed and -ing, just like when you conjugate a verb in different tenses.

  • Consider becomes considering or considered.
  • During
  • Frustrated
  • Provide becomes providing or provided
  • Regard becomes regarding or regarded
  • Assume becomes assuming or assumed
  • Still
  • Despite
  • Including

Example Sentences

  1. She was still hungry despite the amount she had eaten.
  2. We’ve spoken to him concerning his behavior.
  3. The total is 100$, including tax.
  4. They were frustrated with the situation.
  5. My Grandma was working as a nurse during World War One.
  6. We will be providing lunch at no additional cost.

Prepositions are a great part of speech to learn. If you’re after more grammar tools, we’ve got plenty.

Preposition Quiz

Think you've got it? Try this checkpoint quiz!

1. My best friend lives ______ France.

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

2. Sally spent the afternoon __ her phone.

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

3. ________ the rain, they decided to go for a walk. (Choose the correct compound preposition)

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

4. The _______ my jacket is lined with wool. (Choose the correct double preposition)

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers