Fan of some fabulous, fun form-fitting? Do you adore word designs? Love learning loads?
If you relish and revel in it, alliteration is maybe your game.
What is Alliteration?
Alliteration is a fancy, long word that just means the repetition of sounds. It’s a poetic device and one of the sound-based literary devices.
Alliteration can be the repetition of consonant sounds or the repetition of vowel sounds. The repetition of consonant sounds is called consonance. The repetition of vowel sounds is called assonance.
Examples of Alliteration
There were many examples of alliteration in the first paragraph. Let’s take a look at them:
Consonance Examples
F: Fan of fabulous, fun form-fitting?
D: Do you adore word designs?
L: Love learning loads?
Assonance Examples
“Long A”: alliteration is maybe your game.
It ain’t the writing that decides it.
If you look at that heading: “It ain’t the writing that decides it,”… you have a lot of I’s. Let’s label them:
It ain’t the writing that decides it!
There are 6 I’s in this sentence; however, these “I’s” don’t all make the same sound! They are made up of three different sounds, which change the stress of each word:
- “Short I”: It, writing, and it.
- “Long I”: writing and decides.
- “Long A”: ain’t.
Look at that! It ain’t the writing – especially for the letters that can make multiple sounds, like C and G. It’s a mistake to look at something and decide that it's alliterated just because certain letters are repeated.
Note: Just because letters are repeated doesn’t mean it’s alliterated!
Alliteration can also be made by different letters that produce the same sound. I can’t quickly peek and conclude – because I just used three different letters (C, K, and Q) to make an alliteration of consonance. There wasn’t any assonance even though the letters E, I, and U appear multiple times.
Enough of this orthographying✢. It’s the phonics that affects alliteration.
✢ “Orthographying” = is a fancy way to say paying attention to how it’s written and not how it sounds.
A Tool of the Trade
Have you ever heard the phrase “tools of the trade”? That’s an example of alliteration – with the consonance of the hard T sound.
Alliteration is often used like this – and it appears in phrases that you’d recognize, not to forget tongue-twisters too like:
(Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers⁑)
⁑ A “peck” = 2 gallons.
In fact, tongue twisters are a great tool to look at when you’re discovering the world of alliteration.
Ten tongue twisters that contain alliteration:
- Two tiny timid toads trying to trot to Tarrytown.
- Nine nimble noblemen nibbling nuts.
- Quizzical Quiz, kiss me quick.
- Ingenious iguanas improvising an intricate impromptu on impossibly impractical instruments.
- She sells seashells by the seashore.
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- A proper copper coffee pot.
- If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
- Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?
Checkpoint ✔️
Drag the example to the corresponding type of alliteration.
Alliteration Using Consonance
Tongue Twister Using Alliteration
Love Learning Loads?
I can’t quickly peek and conclude
It ain’t the writing that decides it!
She sells seashells by the seashore
Nine Name Alliterations
There are ample examples of loony cartoon names that are alliterative – and start with the same initial sound.
Where can I find examples of alliteration?
What are some examples of alliteration in famous people's names?
Alliteration Hidden in Branding
Alliteration is also extremely common in advertising and branding. Alliterations have a lot of advantages that make it easier for companies to sell something because;
- Alliterations are fun and interesting.
- Alliterations are easy to remember.
- Alliterations are catchy – so you’ll remember them.
Would you rather eat a chocolate-coated wafer or a crispy one? Is an example of clever alliterative marketing that sticks in your head.
Examples of Alliteration in Brands
Let’s look at some alliteration secluded in selling.
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Alliteration In Brands
- Best Buy.
- Calvin Klein.
- Chuck E. Cheese.
- Dunkin Donuts.
- Coca Cola.

And Food?
Alliteration is often used when describing and branding food, sometimes deliberately, like:
- Lemon loaves.
- Pepperoni pizza.
- Cheddar cheese.
Maybe it’s not on purpose, but you have to wonder why it’s “lemon loaves” and not “lemon bread.” Alliterative food often sounds tastier – and so it sells better.
Playing Around with Alliteration
Alliteration is a perfect device for playing around with language. I took someone’s attempt from this Reddit thread; below you can see I toyed around with the examples and came up with these.
- Fat apples after a snack satisfy amply
- But bananas beet beer.
- Chomp cheese, children.
- Don’t doubt doughnuts, dude.
- Eat emu!
- French frog legs? Fantastic!
- Gluttonously gobble grapes.
- Horsemeat, however? Hardly.
- Iguana, if it isn’t icky.
- Gelatinous jellies and jams.
- Ketchup can’t quite count.
And so on… Have a try for yourself and make ones for the L, and M and post them here!
If you're after more examples of alliteration, check out some more below!
Alliteration Examples Starting With S
Alliteration Examples Starting With A
Plosive Alliteration Examples Starting With G
📚 Try The Alliteration Quiz! 📚
Which of the following is an example of alliteration?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Which of the following is an example of assonance?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Which of the following is an example of consonance?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Alliteration is interesting; It can make mankind mind their manners.
Well, maybe it doesn't make people politer! But at least now you know that "polite people" is an example of alliteration!
Go forth and alliterate to your heart's content!