These practice assonance and consonance worksheets are designed for 5th-grade students to demonstrate their understanding of assonance and consonance as literary devices. First, students will recap what assonance and consonance are, with some examples. After, there are paperless play-to-learn worksheets for students to work on writing their own assonance examples and examples of consonance, flashcards, and paperless tests for the digital classroom. These time-saving resources are for easy planning and assessment, empowering homeschooling and online tutoring, and for teachers to craft the perfect ELA lesson.
Assonance Worksheets for the Digital Classroom
These paperless assonance worksheets work on identifying assonance from famous examples, encourage students to write their own examples of assonance, and have handy flashcards for easy, time-saving planning.
What is assonance?
What are 3 examples of assonance in literature?
Timesaver Assonance Flashcards
Use these flashcards as part of your digital classroom ideas. Have students demonstrate their understanding of assonance by identifying which vowel sounds are repeated in each phrase before they flip the cards.
I Can Spot Assonance Worksheet with Paperless Test
Look at the following famous passages and identify examples of assonance. Once you have read them aloud a few times, demonstrate your understanding with the paperless quiz at the end.
1. Bells by Edgar Allan Poe
Can you spot the examples of assonance?
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
Can you spot the examples of assonance?
The Tyger by William Blake
Can you spot the examples of assonance?
If Only, If Only quote from Holes by Louis Sachar
Can you spot the examples of assonance?
Assonance Paperless Test
Once you’ve read through the extracts above, take this checkpoint quiz to check for understanding. Got a question wrong? Don’t worry. Press reset and try again.
1. True or false? In Bells, by Edgar Allan Poe, the assonance falls on the /e/ sound.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
2. True or false? In Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, the assonance falls on the /o/ sound.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
3. True or false? In The Tyger by William Blake, the word symmetry is not an example of assonance.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
4. True or false? In the Only, If Only quote from Holes by Louis Sachar, the long /aɪ/ sound creates assonance.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
5. In Bells, by Edgar Allan Poe, the assonance of the short /e/ sound falls on which of the following words?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
6. In Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, which sound creates assonance?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
7. In The Tyger by William Blake, the long form of the /aɪ/ sound is used to give assonance to which words?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
8. In the If Only, If Only quote from Holes by Louis Sachar, the words “sighs” and “skies” are examples of assonance. Why?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Practice Writing with Assonance Worksheet
Now it’s your turn! From inspiration from the examples above, grab a piece of paper or notebook and try to write an example of assonance for each category. To move on to the next slide, click on the arrows </>.
Writing Prompt 1
Writing Prompt 2
Writing Prompt 3
Writing Prompt 4
Writing Prompt 5
Writing Prompt 6
Consonance Worksheets for the Digital Classroom
Use the paperless worksheets to work on consonance with your 5th graders. They allow students to demonstrate their understanding of consonance with spot the consonance examples from famous literature, flashcards, and a multiple-question quiz.
What is consonance?
Consonance Flashcards
Use these flashcards as part of your digital classroom ideas. Have students demonstrate their understanding of examples of consonance by identifying out loud which consonant sounds are repeated before they flip the cards.
Spot the Consonance Worksheet with Paperless Test
Think you’ve got it? See if you can spot the consonance examples in these famous literary extracts. Once you’ve read them aloud a few times, try our paperless quiz.
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth
Can you spot the examples of consonance?
Out, Out- by Robert Frost
Can you spot the examples of consonance?
October by Jason Polley
Can you spot the examples of consonance?
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
Can you spot the examples of consonance?
Consonance Paperless Test
Once you’ve read through the extracts above, take this checkpoint quiz to check for understanding. Got a question wrong? Don’t worry. Press reset and try again.
1. True or false? In I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Blake, he repeats the consonant sounds /d/ and /l/
Choose the best answer from the choices below
2. True or false? In Out, Out- by Robert Frost, he repeats the consonant /f/ sound.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
3. True or false? In October by Jason Polley, he repeats the /t/ consonant blend in the poem's first line.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
4. True or false? In The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, the words napping and tapping are examples of consonance.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
5. In I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Blake, the /d/ consonant sounds fall on which words.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
6. In Out, Out- by Robert Frost, what sounds in the first line create consonance?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
7. In October by Jason Polley, the consonance sound /t/ is on which words?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
8. In The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, the words nodded, nearly, and napping are examples of consonance. Why?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Practice Writing Consonance Worksheet
Now it’s your turn! Using inspiration from the consonance examples above, grab a notebook and try to write a sentence or two using consonance for each category. Click on the arrows </> to move on to the next slide.
Writing Prompt 1
Writing Prompt 2
Writing Prompt 3
Writing Prompt 4
Writing Prompt 5
Assonance vs. Consonance Worksheets
What’s the difference between assonance and consonance? Look through the following examples and see if you can find examples of assonance and examples of consonance. Flip through the flashcards before you begin for some more practice examples.
Assonance vs. Consonance Flashcards
Before you head into the examples, recap with these assonance and consonance examples. Click the flashcard.
Identifying Assonance and Consonance Worksheet with Quiz
Take a look at the following tongue twister. See if you can identify the differences between the use of assonance and consonance, and on which words use assonance and which words use consonance.
Assonance vs. Consonance Quiz
Once you’ve read through the tongue twister, see if you can answer the following questions. Got a question wrong? Don’t worry. Press reset and try again.
1. If the /b/ and double /tt/ sounds in Betty Butter create consonance, what sounds create assonance?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
2. Which of the following words are examples of consonance in the Betty tongue twister?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
3. What of the following words are examples of assonance in this tongue twister?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
4. True or false? In this tongue twister, there are more examples of consonance than assonance.
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Ooof, well, wonder no more about assonance and consonance and start using them in your writing to make it sound more poetic and lyrical. Combining assonance, alliteration, and consonance in your writing can really make your work shine and sound great, too! So, use these literary devices in your next assignment!
Want more practice pages? Check out our ELA practice pages with quizzes below.