Pronouns are words that you can use in place of nouns in sentences, and they help you to change the wording in your writing so that it doesn’t start to seem repetitive to the reader. Demonstrative pronouns are just one of the many types of these words you’ll learn, and they add interest to your speech and language by breaking up repetition.

Demonstrative pronoun examples

Before you head into the guide, check out these examples.

  1. How did you know that I wanted a book for my birthday? (This can replace a book as it's a demonstrative pronoun)
  2. Stop eating my cookies! My mom made those for my lunch. (Those can replace cookies, so you don't have to repeat the noun.)
  3. Friends is my favorite show. Those characters always make me laugh. (Those can replace the name of the show.)
  4. I love lollipops and cheese. These are my favorite snacks. (These replaces lollipops and cheese.)
  5. Want would you like to drink? Water or soda? I choose neither. (Neither replaces soda and water)

Demonstrative Pronoun Definition

Most likely, you already use this kind of pronoun when you speak and write without even knowing it, but they can sometimes get confused with demonstrative adjectives. Learning a few rules about their use and reading through demonstrative pronoun examples will prepare you to start recognizing when and how to use them in your writing. So, with that, let's begin.

List of Common Demonstrative Pronouns

There aren’t too many demonstration pronoun options that people use in the English language, which is great because it makes it easy to memorize which pronouns fall into this category. Check out this essential 4th-grade to 6th-grade list that will help you quickly identify a demonstrative pronoun when it pops up in a sentence.

  1. These (Plural)
  2. Those (Plural)
  3. This (Singular)
  4. That (Singular)

More Flashcard Demonstrative Pronoun Examples

Click each flashcard to learn more with demonstrative pronoun example sentences. The following indefinite pronouns can also be used as demonstrative pronouns when they replace the noun in a phrase.

Are you already starting to think of a few instances where you’ve used these words? If so, then be careful since they might be demonstrative adjectives. Finding out more about the difference between when the word “these” is an adjective or pronoun deepens your understanding of these words and their uses.

Demonstrative Pronouns vs. Demonstrative Adjectives

The simple difference between the two comes down to the sentence structure. A demonstrative pronoun takes the place of a noun you’ve already mentioned in the sentence. This means that it typically comes after the noun.

A demonstrative adjective modifies the noun, which means it always comes before you use the primary word in the sentence. Checking to see if the word “these” comes before or after a noun in a sentence is a quick way to know exactly which one you are dealing with when you’re testing your new pronoun identification skills. Take a look at the examples below.

  • Demonstrative adjective: That tea smells amazing!
  • Demonstrative pronoun: That smells amazing!
  • Demonstrative adjective: That dance recital was really hard.
  • Demonstrative pronoun: That was really hard.
  • Demonstrative adjective: Is this pencil yours?
  • Demonstrative pronoun: Is this yours?
  • Demonstrative adjective: Could I have that cake?
  • Demonstrative pronoun: Could I have that?
  • Demonstrative adjective: Those trash cans smell disgusting!
  • Demonstrative pronoun: Those smell disgusting!

Knowing When to Use These vs.That

The words this, that, these, and those can often seem like they are all the same, but there are specific grammar rules for figuring out when to use each one. The good news is that these rules are also simple to understand and remember.

Check Out These Examples of Demonstrative Pronoun and Adjective Uses

Learning the rules for using these pronouns is helpful for helping you to figure out how to use them, but you just can’t beat the benefits of seeing them in action. Read through these demonstrative pronoun examples to see how well they make sense with what you’ve learned.

Demonstrative Pronoun Examples

  • Kylie forgot her laptop again. That girl is making me anxious about our presentation.
  • I love chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles. These are my favorite cookies.
  • I really enjoy hip-hop, but my big sister does not. She will allow none to be played in her room.
  • I don’t like mustard or ketchup. Neither appeal to me at all.

Demonstrative Adjective Examples

  • That car driving down the road sounds terrible.
  • This shirt fits really well.
  • These red flowers are my favorite.
  • I told you those old movies were worth watching.

Have Fun Creating Your Own Sentences With This Type of Pronoun

Are you starting to feel like you’re finally starting to get it? The best way to drill new information into your brain is to put it into practice. Try writing a few sentences using both demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, and let your friend try to tell which ones are which.

You can also review your prior writing to look for spots where you can replace nouns with pronouns to clean things up and make the sentences more interesting. With a little practice, you’ll soon start adding demonstrative pronouns without thinking about it, making your language seem more natural.

Tips and Tricks

A demonstrative pronoun might seem like just another word, but it can make your writing more interesting. Not only will you avoid repetition, but you can also show your skillful use of the English language.

Once you’ve got demonstrative pronouns down, you can explore how they compare to their types. Interrogative pronouns are great for asking questions about unknown people or things, and personal pronouns help you to make it clear who you are talking about.

You might already use a wide range of pronouns in your current writing, and expanding your use of the vocabulary helps to strengthen your overall ability to help a reader know what is happening in the stories you share.