Personification is a type of figurative language that gives inanimate objects a personality or human characteristic. Expect more than a worksheet with these paperless personification worksheet flashcards, digital classroom quizzes, and famous examples of personification in poetry slideshows. They are grade-5 specific and are aligned with the Common Core standards to help 5th graders to demonstrate their understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. Scroll down to practice our paperless worksheet on anthropomorphism, another interesting type of personification, with flashcard examples and a multiple-choice quiz.
What's Personification?
But first, what is personification, and how can it help make our writing more interesting?
What is personification?
Five examples of personification
Before you head into the practice worksheets, check out these examples.
5th Grade Personification Worksheets
Use these paperless worksheets to inspire your own personified phrases!
Paperless Flashcards: Personification Examples
Before you flip the flashcards, see if you can make some of your own using the words on the front.
Famous Examples of Personification in Poetry
Read through these famous examples of personification in poetry and note how each author uses personification. Once you’ve read them a few times, take the multiple-choice quiz at the end.

Multiple-Choice Personification in Poetry Quiz
What was the author of each poem trying to say using personification? Test your knowledge of personification from the extracts above. Got a question wrong? Press reset and try again.
1. Using extracts from the poem, how does William Wordsworth describe the golden daffodils?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
2. What do the words "fluttering and dancing" suggest about the daffodils in William Wordsworth's poem?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
3. What words does Emily Dickinson use to describe the clouds in The Sky is Low?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
4. In The Sky is Low, what words does Emily Dickinson use to describe the wind and how it feels?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
5. In The Sky is Low, what does Emily Dickinson compare nature to?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
6. In The Little Corn Flakes, which phrases give the cornflakes humanistic characteristics?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
7. In The Little Corn Flakes, how does Kelly Roper give the cornflakes a character?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
8. What is being personified in the last poem by Carl Sanburg?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
9. In Fog by Carl Sandburg, what personified phrases does he use to give the fog a character?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Anthropomorphism Worksheet For 5th Grade
Anthropomorphism is another type of personification, but instead of personifying objects, ideas, or things using figurative language, anthropomorphism gives specific human qualities and characteristics to deities, animals, or objects. Anthropomorphism is less about how figurative language is used and more about how we humanize animate objects with names, clothing, and qualities.
Paperless Flashcards: Anthropomorphism Examples
Ever wondered why certain animals are described as sneaky, brave, wise, or loyal? That's mostly because of anthropomorphism! Before you flip the flashcards, see if you can think of any examples of how literature and film have used Anthropomorphism to give human qualities. On the back are some common examples of how we've done it over history.
Discussion time
Use these questions to inspire your examples of personification discussions.
- What films can you think of where animal characters are given human qualities?
- How do human qualities make you feel about those characters?
- Think of your favorite film. Are there any animated characters that have human qualities?
Anthropomorphism Examples for 5th Graders
Check out some common examples of anthropomorphism.
- A dog wearing a tuxedo.
- A rabbit asking its mom for dinner.
- A rat moaned about its parents.
- Anger fighting for justice.
- Fish living in houses.
- Dogs standing up for humans.
Sentence Examples
- Freddy, the dog, is wearing a tuxedo.
- “What are we having for dinner tonight, mom?” said Rabbit.
- Rat moaned to her friends; her parents were being so unfair.
- “I am fed up with happiness,” said Anger.
- “I want to go home,” thought Fish.
Had fun learning about personification. Why not check out our other ELA topics for the ELA classroom?