The highest scoring word in Words With Friends is BEARING with a total of 13 points.
Synonyms: support, carry, hold up, prop up, keep up, bolster up
Synonyms: endure, tolerate, put up with, stand, suffer, abide, submit to, experience, undergo, go through, countenance, brook, brave, weather, support
Synonyms: carry, bring, transport, move, convey, take, fetch, haul, lug, shift
Synonyms: give birth to, bring forth, deliver, be delivered of, have, mother, create, produce, spawn
Synonyms: veer, curve, swerve, incline, turn, fork, diverge, deviate, bend
Synonyms: posture, comportment, carriage, gait, stance
Synonyms: relevance, relevancy, significance, pertinence, connection, relation, aptness, appositeness, germaneness, importance, import, application
Synonyms: endurance, endurability, tolerance, tolerability, acceptance, acceptability, sufferance, manageability
Synonyms: direction, orientation, course, trajectory, heading, tack, path, line, run
Synonyms: insignia, regalia, badge, emblem, ensign, device, heraldic device, coat of arms, arms, armorial bearing, escutcheon, shield