eagle vs hawk

What is the difference?

definition: a large bird of prey with a massive hooked bill and long broad wings, known for its keen sight and powerful soaring flight
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    definition: a bird of prey with broad rounded wings and a long tail, typically taking prey by surprise with a short chase
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      eagle vs hawk

      Looking up to the sky and want to know the difference between a hawk Vs eagle? These birds of prey are commonly confused because they are both diurnal birds that belong to the Accipitridae family and have similar nesting habits. Check out how to differentiate these types of birds here.

      1. eagle


      Eagles belong to the Accipitridae family, which includes a variety of powerful birds, each with its own characteristics. The differences between species of eagles are huge, as over sixty species are dotted around Asia, Africa, and North America. One of the largest eagles species, the Philippine Eagle, is an endangered species with broad wings and a wingspan of around 6.5 feet. Typically eagles are fast. Golden Eagles found throughout Mexico, North America, Asia, and northern Africa can reach speeds of 150 miles per hour when hunting for potential prey. Their advantage of size, speed, and excellent eyesight makes them brilliant hunters. Similar to most birds of prey, their sharp beaks and curved talons help them catch and hold onto their prey.


      Fun Factoids

      Did you know that eagles can turn their heads 210 degrees? Making them hugely powerful carnivorous birds. They are also extremely intelligent hunters who use the element of surprise to catch prey, as they block off the sunlight so that their prey is blinded. As part of the avian food chain, eagles are at the top. In terms of size, eagle species are one of the larger-sized birds of prey, with an adaptable animal attitude that serves them well.

      Examples for eagle

      Eagles are very strong and can grasp larger prey with their curved beak.

      The endangered Andean Condor is one of the largest species of eagles.

      Eagles can be aggressive birds and become more territorial during mating season.

      The Crested Eagle bird species ( Morphnus Guianensis) is found mainly in Central America.

      The characteristic eyesight of eagles allows them easily spot potential prey. They have amazing 20/5 vision.

      The difference between eagles around the world is huge. There are over 68 different species of eagles.

      2. hawk


      Hawks are also part of the Accipitridae family species of birds, and hawks is a generalized term used to describe the family of diurnal predatory birds. The scientific name for hawks is Falconiformes, and there are around 270 of these types of bird species worldwide. The Sharp-shinned hawk is one of the smallest species of hawks and eats other small birds like sparrows. Hawks are much smaller than eagles, with an average wingspan between 15 to 16 inches, and can carry animals up to around 4 pounds in weight.


      Fun Factoids

      Did you know that hawks also have visual accuracy more than 8 times that of a human? They also see in color, which is unusual as most animals see in shades of black and white. Their keen eyesight makes many people believe they are spiritual animals related to clairvoyance. Hawks are a quick bird species, with some attaining speeds of over 150 miles per hour. They are, however, not the fastest species of the bird population, as that would be the Peregrine Falcon.

      Examples for hawk

      Scientists first studied and identified Red-tailed Hawks in Jamacia in 1781. Hence their Latin name, Buteo Jamaicensis.

      Ferruginous Hawks are the largest hawk species in North America. Female adult hawks can often be 1.5 times larger than males.

      Hawks are characterized by their distinctive curved beak shape, known as a "bill," sharp talons, and powerful legs.

      While eagles are known for having straighter wings, hawk's wings tend to be more rounded and stockier in appearance.

      Eagles may be larger birds, but a hawk's grip strength is nothing to scoff at. A hawks grip strength can be up to 200 psi (pounds per square inch)

      Hawks and other Falconiformes are species of birds that live off a meat-only diet. They are carnivore birds.

      Takeaways - Tips


      Eagles are bigger than hawks! They are between 15 and 36 inches long, and typical eagles can weigh between 1 and 21 pounds. Eagles can carry up to 20 pounds as they prey on small birds, squirrels, and rabbits with their curved beaks.


      Hawks are smaller than eagles! They average between 7.9 and 27 inches long, weighing between 2.5 ounces to 4 pounds. However, hawks are strong and can carry up to 4 pounds, as they prey on much smaller bird species, mice, and frogs.

      Bottom Line

      Struggling to understand the difference between eagles and hawks? Remember these 4 facts. Eagles are typically much bigger, which means they usually have bigger wingspans. Eagles are stronger, too! Finally, eagles tend to prey on larger animals, but both stick to smaller earth-bound and aquatic animals.


      When to use eagle?

      When to use hawk?

      How to remember eagle vs. hawk?

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