The names of countries can change, but country codes don't. Like recently, when Micronesia became the Federated States of Micronesia in 2023 or when the Republic of Iceland changed to Iceland in 2022 – it happens constantly. That's where standardized country abbreviations come in, meaning important things like mail get to the right places, no matter what country you're sending to. Don't worry, though; here is a full directory of country codes, ISO, FIPS, ITU, and much more!
What are country abbreviations?
Country abbreviations are short codes used to represent the names of countries. For example, the United States of America is often abbreviated as "USA," while Canada is abbreviated as "CAN." They are usually made up of two or three letters, making them a pretty quick and easy way to refer to a specific country.
Country codes are used in various contexts, including international trade, diplomacy, and bilateral communication. Organizations, including governments, use them, especially the United Nations, International Olympic Committee, and the International Air Transport Association, to standardize communication and avoid confusion.
In the past, before standardized abbreviations existed, organizations would refer to countries using their long names, which over time became cumbersome and time-consuming, so think of them as the convenient shorthand way to identify countries while saving everyone time and energy.
Types of country codes
There are several country code systems in use around the world, but some of the most important ones include:
ISO Country Codes
List of two-letter codes developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to identify countries and dependent territories. These codes are internationally used in finance, commerce, and domain name systems. There are three main types and a few less commonly used:
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes (most common) - US: United States, GB: United Kingdom, CA: Canada, DE: Germany
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes (3 letters) - USA: United States, GBR: United Kingdom, CAN: Canada, and DEU: Germany.
- ISO 3166-1 (numerical code for statistics) - 840: United States, 826: United Kingdom, 124: Canada, and 356: India
ITU Calling Country Codes
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) developed its country code system to identify countries, regions, and territories in telecommunications. These codes are commonly used in international dialing codes, mobile networks, and satellite communications.
- 1: United States and Canada
- 33: France
- 44: United Kingdom
- 81: Japan
FIPS Codes
The FIPS or Federal Information Processing Standards are two-letter codes developed by the United States Government to identify countries and regions easily. Thee are mostly used in government and private sector activities, like emergency response systems, financial transactions, and transportation systems. Some of them are the same as the ISO.
- US - United States
- CA - Canada
- MX - Mexico
- FR - France
- DE - Germany
Other organization-specific country code systems that you might see include the UN M49 Codes developed by the United Nations Statistics Division to identify countries and regions for statistical purposes, the IOC Country Codes by the International Olympic Committee for identifying countries and regions in the Olympic games, and the FIFA Country Codes, Fédération Internationale de Football Association to identify countries and regions in international soccer and football.
- UN M49 - North America: 021, African Continent: 002, Europe: 150, and Asia:142.
- IOC Country Codes - USA: United States, CAN: Canada, MEX: Mexico, and FRA: France
- FIFA - USA: United States, CAN: Canada, MEX: Mexico, FRA: Franc, and GER: Germany
Complete Directory List of Letter Country Codes & ITU Country Calling Codes
This is the complete list of the most important letter country codes according to the most important systems.
Directory of ISO Country Codes
To find the country code you need, use the finder on your browser and type in the country name you want to find or sort through by continent.
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
English Name Anguilla | Alpha-2 AI | Alpha-3 AIA |
English Name Aruba | Alpha-2 AW | Alpha-3 ABW |
English Name Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba | Alpha-2 BQ | Alpha-3 BES |
English Name Canada | Alpha-2 CA | Alpha-3 CAN |
English Name Cuba | Alpha-2 CU | Alpha-3 CUB |
English Name Curaçao | Alpha-2 CW | Alpha-3 CUW |
English Name Dominica | Alpha-2 DM | Alpha-3 DMA |
English Name Dominican Republic | Alpha-2 DO | Alpha-3 DOM |
English Name El Salvador | Alpha-2 SV | Alpha-3 SLV |
English Name Greenland | Alpha-2 GL | Alpha-3 GRL |
English Name Grenada | Alpha-2 GD | Alpha-3 GRD |
English Name Guadeloupe | Alpha-2 GP | Alpha-3 GLP |
English Name Guatemala | Alpha-2 GT | Alpha-3 GTM |
English Name Haiti | Alpha-2 HT | Alpha-3 HTI |
English Name Honduras | Alpha-2 HN | Alpha-3 HND |
English Name Jamaica | Alpha-2 JM | Alpha-3 JAM |
English Name Martinique | Alpha-2 MQ | Alpha-3 MTQ |
English Name Mexico | Alpha-2 MX | Alpha-3 MEX |
English Name Montserrat | Alpha-2 MS | Alpha-3 MSR |
English Name Netherlands Antilles | Alpha-2 AN | Alpha-3 ANT |
English Name Nicaragua | Alpha-2 NI | Alpha-3 NIC |
English Name Panama | Alpha-2 PA | Alpha-3 PAN |
English Name Puerto Rico | Alpha-2 PR | Alpha-3 PRI |
English Name Saint Barthelemy | Alpha-2 BL | Alpha-3 BLM |
English Name Saint Kitts and Nevis | Alpha-2 KN | Alpha-3 KNA |
English Name Saint Lucia | Alpha-2 LC | Alpha-3 LCA |
English Name Saint Martin | Alpha-2 MF | Alpha-3 MAF |
English Name Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Alpha-2 PM | Alpha-3 SPM |
English Name Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Alpha-2 VC | Alpha-3 VCT |
English Name Sint Maarten (Netherlands) | Alpha-2 SX | Alpha-3 SXM |
English Name Trinidad and Tobago | Alpha-2 TT | Alpha-3 TTO |
English Name Turks and Caicos Islands | Alpha-2 TC | Alpha-3 TCA |
English Name United States Minor Outlying Islands | Alpha-2 UM | Alpha-3 UMI |
English Name United States of America | Alpha-2 US | Alpha-3 USA |
English Name United States Virgin Islands | Alpha-2 VI | Alpha-3 VIR |
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
Europe ISO Codes
All of the ISO codes for Europe.
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
English Name Aland Islands | Alpha-2 AX | Alpha-3 ALA |
English Name Albania | Alpha-2 AL | Alpha-3 ALB |
English Name Andorra | Alpha-2 AD | Alpha-3 AND |
English Name Armenia | Alpha-2 AM | Alpha-3 ARM |
English Name Austria | Alpha-2 AT | Alpha-3 AUT |
English Name Belarus | Alpha-2 BY | Alpha-3 BLR |
English Name Belgium | Alpha-2 BE | Alpha-3 BEL |
English Name Bosnia and Herzegovina | Alpha-2 BA | Alpha-3 BIH |
English Name Bulgaria Republic of | Alpha-2 BG | Alpha-3 BGR |
English Name Croatia | Alpha-2 HR | Alpha-3 HRV |
English Name Czech Republic (Czechia) | Alpha-2 CZ | Alpha-3 CZE |
English Name Denmark | Alpha-2 DK | Alpha-3 DNK |
English Name Estonia | Alpha-2 EE | Alpha-3 EST |
English Name Faroe Islands | Alpha-2 FO | Alpha-3 FRO |
English Name Finland | Alpha-2 FI | Alpha-3 FIN |
English Name France | Alpha-2 FR | Alpha-3 FRA |
English Name Germany | Alpha-2 DE | Alpha-3 DEU |
English Name Gibraltar | Alpha-2 GI | Alpha-3 GIB |
English Name Greece | Alpha-2 GR | Alpha-3 GRC |
English Name Guernsey | Alpha-2 GG | Alpha-3 GGY |
English Name Holy See (Vatican City) | Alpha-2 VA | Alpha-3 VAT |
English Name Hungary | Alpha-2 HU | Alpha-3 HUN |
English Name Iceland | Alpha-2 IS | Alpha-3 ISL |
English Name Ireland | Alpha-2 IE | Alpha-3 IRL |
English Name Isle of Man | Alpha-2 IM | Alpha-3 IMN |
English Name Italy | Alpha-2 IT | Alpha-3 ITA |
English Name Jersey | Alpha-2 JE | Alpha-3 JEY |
English Name Latvia | Alpha-2 LV | Alpha-3 LVA |
English Name Liechtenstein | Alpha-2 LI | Alpha-3 LIE |
English Name Lithuania | Alpha-2 LT | Alpha-3 LTU |
English Name Luxembourg | Alpha-2 LU | Alpha-3 LUX |
English Name Republic of North Macedonia | Alpha-2 MK | Alpha-3 MKD |
English Name Malta | Alpha-2 MT | Alpha-3 MLT |
English Name Moldova | Alpha-2 MD | Alpha-3 MDA |
English Name Monaco | Alpha-2 MC | Alpha-3 MCO |
English Name Montenegro | Alpha-2 ME | Alpha-3 MNE |
English Name Netherlands | Alpha-2 NL | Alpha-3 NLD |
English Name Norway | Alpha-2 NO | Alpha-3 NOR |
English Name Poland | Alpha-2 PL | Alpha-3 POL |
English Name Portugal | Alpha-2 PT | Alpha-3 PRT |
English Name Romania | Alpha-2 RO | Alpha-3 ROU |
English Name Russian Federation | Alpha-2 RU | Alpha-3 RUS |
English Name San Marino | Alpha-2 SM | Alpha-3 SMR |
English Name Serbia | Alpha-2 RS | Alpha-3 SRB |
English Name Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | Alpha-2 SK | Alpha-3 SVK |
English Name Slovenia | Alpha-2 SI | Alpha-3 SVN |
English Name Spain | Alpha-2 ES | Alpha-3 ESP |
English Name Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands | Alpha-2 SJ | Alpha-3 SJM |
English Name Sweden | Alpha-2 SE | Alpha-3 SWE |
English Name Switzerland | Alpha-2 CH | Alpha-3 CHE |
English Name Ukraine | Alpha-2 UA | Alpha-3 UKR |
English Name United Kingdom | Alpha-2 GB | Alpha-3 GBR |
Africa ISO Abbreviations
There are 54 recognized African countries, and each country has a unique two-letter country code assigned by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO.) Here's the list.
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
English Name Algeria | Alpha-2 DZ | Alpha-3 DZA |
English Name Angola | Alpha-2 AO | Alpha-3 AGO |
English Name Benin | Alpha-2 BJ | Alpha-3 BEN |
English Name Botswana | Alpha-2 BW | Alpha-3 BWA |
English Name Burkina Faso | Alpha-2 BF | Alpha-3 BFA |
English Name Burundi | Alpha-2 BI | Alpha-3 BDI |
English Name Cameroon | Alpha-2 CM | Alpha-3 CMR |
English Name Cape Verde | Alpha-2 CV | Alpha-3 CPV |
English Name The Central African Republic | Alpha-2 CF | Alpha-3 CAF |
English Name Chad | Alpha-2 TD | Alpha-3 TCD |
English Name The Comoros | Alpha-2 KM | Alpha-3 COM |
English Name Congo Democratic Republic of | Alpha-2 CD | Alpha-3 COD |
English Name Côte d'Ivoire | Alpha-2 CI | Alpha-3 CIV |
English Name Djibouti | Alpha-2 DJ | Alpha-3 DJI |
English Name Egypt | Alpha-2 EG | Alpha-3 EGY |
English Name Equatorial Guinea | Alpha-2 GQ | Alpha-3 GNQ |
English Name Eritrea | Alpha-2 ER | Alpha-3 ERI |
English Name Eswatini formerly known as Swaziland | Alpha-2 SZ | Alpha-3 SWZ |
English Name Ethiopia | Alpha-2 ET | Alpha-3 ETH |
English Name Gabon | Alpha-2 GA | Alpha-3 GAB |
English Name Gambia | Alpha-2 GM | Alpha-3 GMB |
English Name Ghana | Alpha-2 GH | Alpha-3 GHA |
English Name Guinea | Alpha-2 GN | Alpha-3 GIN |
English Name Guinea-Bissau | Alpha-2 GW | Alpha-3 GNB |
English Name Kenya | Alpha-2 KE | Alpha-3 KEN |
English Name Lesotho | Alpha-2 LS | Alpha-3 LSO |
English Name Liberia | Alpha-2 LR | Alpha-3 LBR |
English Name Madagascar | Alpha-2 MG | Alpha-3 MDG |
English Name Malawi | Alpha-2 MW | Alpha-3 MW |
English Name Mali | Alpha-2 ML | Alpha-3 MLI |
English Name Mauritania | Alpha-2 MR | Alpha-3 MRT |
English Name Mauritius | Alpha-2 MU | Alpha-3 MUS |
English Name Mayotte | Alpha-2 YT | Alpha-3 MYT |
English Name Morocco | Alpha-2 MA | Alpha-3 MAR |
English Name Mozambique | Alpha-2 MZ | Alpha-3 MOZ |
English Name Namibia | Alpha-2 NA | Alpha-3 NAM |
English Name Niger | Alpha-2 NE | Alpha-3 NER |
English Name Nigeria | Alpha-2 NG | Alpha-3 NGA |
English Name Reunion | Alpha-2 RE | Alpha-3 REU |
English Name Rwanda | Alpha-2 RW | Alpha-3 RWA |
English Name Saint Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | Alpha-2 SH | Alpha-3 SHN |
English Name Sao Tome and Principe | Alpha-2 ST | Alpha-3 STP |
English Name Senegal | Alpha-2 SN | Alpha-3 SEN |
English Name Seychelles | Alpha-2 SC | Alpha-3 SYC |
English Name Sierra Leone | Alpha-2 SL | Alpha-3 SLE |
English Name Somalia | Alpha-2 SO | Alpha-3 SOM |
English Name South Africa | Alpha-2 ZA | Alpha-3 ZAF |
English Name South Sudan | Alpha-2 SS | Alpha-3 SSD |
English Name The Sudan | Alpha-2 SD | Alpha-3 SDN |
English Name Tanzania | Alpha-2 TZ | Alpha-3 TZA |
English Name Togo | Alpha-2 TG | Alpha-3 TGO |
English Name Tunisia | Alpha-2 TN | Alpha-3 TUN |
English Name Uganda | Alpha-2 UG | Alpha-3 UGA |
English Name Western Sahara | Alpha-2 EH | Alpha-3 ESH |
English Name Zambia | Alpha-2 ZM | Alpha-3 ZMB |
English Name Zimbabwe | Alpha-2 ZW | Alpha-3 ZWE |
Asia ISO Codes
Asia is by the largest continent, and the countries that comprise it are contested. Nevertheless, here is the list of the county codes for 53 of them.
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
English Name Afghanistan | Alpha-2 AF | Alpha-3 AFG |
English Name Azerbaijan | Alpha-2 AZ | Alpha-3 AZE |
English Name Bahrain | Alpha-2 BH | Alpha-3 BHR |
English Name Bangladesh | Alpha-2 BD | Alpha-3 BGD |
English Name Bhutan | Alpha-2 BT | Alpha-3 BTN |
English Name Brunei Darussalam | Alpha-2 BN | Alpha-3 BRN |
English Name Cambodia | Alpha-2 KH | Alpha-3 KHM |
English Name China People's Republic of | Alpha-2 CN | Alpha-3 CHN |
English Name Christmas Island | Alpha-2 CX | Alpha-3 CXR |
English Name Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Alpha-2 CC | Alpha-3 CCK |
English Name Cyprus | Alpha-2 CY | Alpha-3 CYP |
English Name Georgia | Alpha-2 GE | Alpha-3 GEO |
English Name Hong Kong | Alpha-2 HK | Alpha-3 HKG |
English Name India | Alpha-2 IN | Alpha-3 IND |
English Name Indonesia | Alpha-2 ID | Alpha-3 IDN |
English Name Iran Islamic Republic of | Alpha-2 IR | Alpha-3 IRN |
English Name Iraq | Alpha-2 IQ | Alpha-3 IRQ |
English Name Israel | Alpha-2 IL | Alpha-3 ISR |
English Name Japan | Alpha-2 JP | Alpha-3 JPN |
English Name Jordan | Alpha-2 JO | Alpha-3 JOR |
English Name Kazakhstan | Alpha-2 KZ | Alpha-3 KAZ |
English Name Korea Democratic People's Republic of | Alpha-2 KP | Alpha-3 PRK |
English Name Korea Republic of | Alpha-2 KR | Alpha-3 KOR |
English Name Kuwait | Alpha-2 KW | Alpha-3 KWT |
English Name Kyrgyzstan | Alpha-2 KG | Alpha-3 KGZ |
English Name Lao People's Democratic Republic | Alpha-2 LA | Alpha-3 LAO |
English Name Lebanon | Alpha-2 LB | Alpha-3 LBN |
English Name Macao | Alpha-2 MO | Alpha-3 MAC |
English Name Malaysia | Alpha-2 MY | Alpha-3 MYS |
English Name Maldives | Alpha-2 MV | Alpha-3 MDV |
English Name Mongolia | Alpha-2 MN | Alpha-3 MNG |
English Name Myanmar | Alpha-2 MM | Alpha-3 MMR |
English Name Nepal | Alpha-2 NP | Alpha-3 NPL |
English Name Oman | Alpha-2 OM | Alpha-3 OMN |
English Name Pakistan | Alpha-2 PK | Alpha-3 PAK |
English Name Palestinian Territory | Alpha-2 PS | Alpha-3 PSE |
English Name Philippines | Alpha-2 PH | Alpha-3 PHL |
English Name Qatar | Alpha-2 QA | Alpha-3 QAT |
English Name Saudi Arabia | Alpha-2 SA | Alpha-3 SAU |
English Name Singapore | Alpha-2 SG | Alpha-3 SGP |
English Name Sri Lanka | Alpha-2 LK | Alpha-3 LKA |
English Name Syrian Arab Republic | Alpha-2 SY | Alpha-3 SYR |
English Name Taiwan | Alpha-2 TW | Alpha-3 TWN |
English Name Tajikistan | Alpha-2 TJ | Alpha-3 TJK |
English Name Thailand | Alpha-2 TH | Alpha-3 THA |
English Name Timor-Leste | Alpha-2 TL | Alpha-3 TLS |
English Name Turkey | Alpha-2 TR | Alpha-3 TUR |
English Name Turkmenistan | Alpha-2 TM | Alpha-3 TKM |
English Name United Arab Emirates | Alpha-2 AE | Alpha-3 ARE |
English Name Uzbekistan | Alpha-2 UZ | Alpha-3 UZB |
English Name Vietnam | Alpha-2 VN | Alpha-3 VNM |
English Name Yemen | Alpha-2 YE | Alpha-3 YEM |
South America ISO Codes
South America is a continent with 12 countries. However, a few other countries are also part of it.
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
English Name Argentina | Alpha-2 AR | Alpha-3 ARG |
English Name Bolivia | Alpha-2 BO | Alpha-3 BOL |
English Name Brazil | Alpha-2 BR | Alpha-3 BRA |
English Name Chile | Alpha-2 CL | Alpha-3 CHL |
English Name Colombia | Alpha-2 CO | Alpha-3 COL |
English Name Ecuador | Alpha-2 EC | Alpha-3 ECU |
English Name Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | Alpha-2 FK | Alpha-3 FLK |
English Name French Guiana | Alpha-2 GF | Alpha-3 GUF |
English Name Guyana | Alpha-2 GY | Alpha-3 GUY |
English Name Paraguay | Alpha-2 PY | Alpha-3 PRY |
English Name Peru | Alpha-2 PE | Alpha-3 PER |
English Name Suriname | Alpha-2 SR | Alpha-3 SUR |
English Name Uruguay | Alpha-2 UY | Alpha-3 URY |
English Name Venezuela | Alpha-2 VE | Alpha-3 VEN |
Antarctic ISO Codes
Antarctica is just one country, despite being a continent. Though several islands are considered a part of the continent with their own ISO abbreviation.
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
English Name Antarctica | Alpha-2 AQ | Alpha-3 ATA |
English Name Bouvet Island | Alpha-2 BV | Alpha-3 BVT |
English Name French Southern Territories | Alpha-2 TF | Alpha-3 ATF |
English Name Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Alpha-2 HM | Alpha-3 HMD |
English Name South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Alpha-2 GS | Alpha-3 SGS |
Australia & Oceania ISO Codes
Australia and Oceania are home to many countries and territories, each with its own unique ISO country code.
English Name | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 |
English Name American Samoa | Alpha-2 AS | Alpha-3 ASM |
English Name Australia | Alpha-2 AU | Alpha-3 AUS |
English Name Cook Islands | Alpha-2 CK | Alpha-3 COK |
English Name Fiji | Alpha-2 FJ | Alpha-3 FJI |
English Name French Polynesia | Alpha-2 PF | Alpha-3 PYF |
English Name Guam | Alpha-2 GU | Alpha-3 GUM |
English Name Kiribati | Alpha-2 KI | Alpha-3 KIR |
English Name Marshall Islands | Alpha-2 MH | Alpha-3 MHL |
English Name Micronesia | Alpha-2 FM | Alpha-3 FSM |
English Name Nauru | Alpha-2 NR | Alpha-3 NRU |
English Name New Caledonia | Alpha-2 NC | Alpha-3 NCL |
English Name New Zealand | Alpha-2 NZ | Alpha-3 NZL |
English Name Niue | Alpha-2 NU | Alpha-3 NIU |
English Name Norfolk Island | Alpha-2 NF | Alpha-3 NFK |
English Name Northern Mariana Islands | Alpha-2 MP | Alpha-3 MNP |
English Name Palau | Alpha-2 PW | Alpha-3 PLW |
English Name Papua New Guinea | Alpha-2 PG | Alpha-3 PNG |
English Name Pitcairn Islands | Alpha-2 PN | Alpha-3 PCN |
English Name Samoa | Alpha-2 WS | Alpha-3 WSM |
English Name Solomon Islands | Alpha-2 SB | Alpha-3 SLB |
English Name Tokelau | Alpha-2 TK | Alpha-3 TKL |
English Name Tonga Kingdom of | Alpha-2 TO | Alpha-3 TON |
English Name Tuvalu | Alpha-2 TV | Alpha-3 TUV |
English Name United States Minor Outlying Islands | Alpha-2 UM | Alpha-3 UMI |
English Name Vanuatu | Alpha-2 VU | Alpha-3 VUT |
English Name Wallis and Futuna | Alpha-2 WF | Alpha-3 WLF |
Directory of ITU Country Calling Codes
List of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) country recommended assigned codes to identify countries, regions, and territories in telecommunications. These particular codes are used when you want to call a telephone number in a country or region different from your own, but the ITU also has codes for radio.
- Albania 355
- Andorra 376
- Armenia 374
- Austria 43
- Azerbaijan 994
- Belarus 375
- Belgium 32
- Bosnia and Herzegovina 387
- Bulgaria 359
- Croatia 385
- Cyprus 357
- Czech Republic 420
- Denmark 45
- Estonia 372
- Finland 358
- France 33
- Georgia 995
- Germany 49
- Gibraltar 350
- Greece 30
- Hungary 36
- Iceland 354
- Ireland 353
- Italy 39
- Jersey 44-1534
- Kazakhstan 7
- Kosovo 383
- Latvia 371
- Liechtenstein 423
- Lithuania 370
- Luxembourg 352
- Malta 356
- Moldova 373
- Monaco 377
- Montenegro 382
- Netherlands 31
- North Macedonia 389
- Norway 47
- Poland 48
- Portugal 351
- Romania 40
- Russia 7
- San Marino 378
- Serbia 381
- Slovakia 421
- Slovenia 386
- Spain 34
- Sweden 46
- Switzerland 41
- Turkey 90
- Ukraine 380
- United Kingdom 44
- Vatican City 379
North America and Territories
- Canada,1
- Greenland,299
- Mexico,52
- United States of America,1
- Algeria - 213
- Angola - 244
- Benin - 229
- Botswana - 267
- Burkina Faso - 226
- Burundi - 257
- Cameroon - 237
- Cape Verde - 238
- Central African Republic - 236
- Chad - 235
- Comoros - 269
- Democratic Republic of the Congo - 243
- Djibouti - 253
- Egypt - 20
- Equatorial Guinea - 240
- Eritrea - 291
- Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) - 268
- Ethiopia - 251
- Gabon - 241
- Gambia - 220
- Ghana - 233
- Guinea - 224
- Guinea-Bissau - 245
- Ivory Coast - 225
- Kenya - 254
- Lesotho - 266
- Liberia - 231
- Libya - 218
- Madagascar - 261
- Malawi - 265
- Mali - 223
- Mauritania - 222
- Mauritius - 230
- Morocco - 212
- Mozambique - 258
- Namibia - 264
- Niger - 227
- Nigeria - 234
- Republic of the Congo - 242
- Rwanda - 250
- Sao Tome and Principe - 239
- Senegal - 221
- Seychelles - 248
- Sierra Leone - 232
- Somalia - 252
- South Africa - 27
- South Sudan - 211
- Sudan - 249
- Tanzania - 255
- Togo - 228
- Tunisia - 216
- Uganda - 256
- Zambia - 260
- Zimbabwe - 263
- Afghanistan - 93
- Bahrain - 973
- Bangladesh - 880
- Bhutan - 975
- Brunei - 673
- Cambodia - 855
- China - 86
- India - 91
- Indonesia - 62
- Iran - 98
- Iraq - 964
- Israel - 972
- Japan - 81
- Jordan - 962
- Kazakhstan - 7
- Kuwait - 965
- Kyrgyzstan - 996
- Laos - 856
- Lebanon - 961
- Malaysia - 60
- Maldives - 960
- Mongolia - 976
- Myanmar (Burma) - 95
- Nepal - 977
- North Korea - 850
- Oman - 968
- Pakistan - 92
- Philippines - 63
- Qatar - 974
- Russia - 7
- Saudi Arabia - 966
- Singapore - 65
- South Korea - 82
- Sri Lanka - 94
- Syria - 963
- Taiwan - 886
- Tajikistan - 992
- Thailand - 66
- Timor-Leste (East Timor) - 670
- Turkey - 90
- Turkmenistan - 993
- United Arab Emirates - 971
- Uzbekistan - 998
- Vietnam - 84
- Yemen - 967
South America
- Argentina 54
- Bolivia 591
- Brazil 55
- Chile 56
- Colombia 57
- Ecuador 593
- Falkland Islands 500
- French Guiana 594
- Guyana 592
- Paraguay 595
- Peru 51
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 500
- Suriname 597
- Uruguay 598
- Venezuela 58
- Antarctica 672
Australia & Oceania
- American Samoa 1-684
- Australia 61
- Christmas Island 61
- Cocos Islands 61
- Cook Islands 682
- Fiji 679
- French Polynesia 689
- Guam 1-671
- Kiribati 686
- Marshall Islands 692
- Micronesia 691
- Nauru 674
- New Zealand 64
- Niue 683
- Norfolk Island 672
- Northern Mariana Islands 1-670
- Palau 680
- Papua New Guinea 675
- Pitcairn Islands 64
- Samoa 685
- Solomon Islands 677
- Tokelau 690
- Tonga 676
- Tuvalu 688
- Vanuatu 678
- Wallis and Futuna 681
FIPS Country Codes
Complete list of Federal Information Processing Standards, which are two-letter codes developed by the United States Government, categorized by continent.
- Albania,AL
- Andorra,AN
- Austria,AU
- Belarus,BO
- Belgium,BE
- Bosnia and Herzegovina,BK
- Bulgaria,BU
- Croatia,HR
- Cyprus,CY
- Czechia,EZ
- Denmark,DK
- Estonia,EN
- Finland,FI
- France,FR
- Germany,GM
- Gibraltar,GI
- Greece,GR
- Hungary,HU
- Iceland,IC
- Ireland,EI
- Italy,IT
- Latvia,LG
- Liechtenstein,LS
- Lithuania,LH
- Luxembourg,LU
- Malta,MT
- Moldova (Republic of),MD
- Monaco,MN
- Montenegro,MJ
- Netherlands,NL
- North Macedonia,MK
- Norway,NO
- Poland,PL
- Portugal,PO
- Romania,RO
- Russian Federation,RS
- San Marino,SM
- Serbia,RI
- Slovakia,LO
- Slovenia,SI
- Spain,ES
- Sweden,SE
- Switzerland,CH
- Ukraine,UP
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,GB
North America
- Bermuda,BD
- Canada,CA
- Greenland,GL
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon,SB
- United States of America,US
- Algeria,AG
- Angola,AO
- Benin,BN
- Botswana,BC
- Burkina Faso,UV
- Burundi,BY
- Cabo Verde,CV
- Cameroon,CM
- Central African Republic,CT
- Chad,CD
- Comoros,CN
- Congo,CF
- Congo (Democratic Republic of the),CG
- Cote d’Ivoire,IV
- Djibouti,DJ
- Egypt,EG
- Equatorial Guinea,EK
- Eritrea,ER
- Eswatini,SZ
- Ethiopia,ET
- Gabon,GB
- Gambia,GA
- Ghana,GH
- Guinea,GV
- Guinea-Bissau,PU
- Kenya,KE
- Lesotho,LT
- Liberia,LI
- Libya,LY
- Madagascar,MA
- Malawi,MI
- Mali,ML
- Mauritania,MR
- Mauritius,MP
- Mayotte,MF
- Morocco,MO
- Mozambique,MZ
- Namibia,WA
- Niger,NG
- Afghanistan,AF
- Bahrain,BA
- Bangladesh,BG
- Bhutan,BT
- Brunei Darussalam,BX
- Cambodia,CB
- China,CH
- Christmas Island,KT
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands,CK
- India,IN
- Indonesia,ID
- Iran (Islamic Republic of),IR
- Iraq,IZ
- Israel,IS
- Japan,JA
- Jordan,JO
- Kazakhstan,KZ
- Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of),KN
- Korea (Republic of),KS
- Kuwait,KU
- Kyrgyzstan,KG
- Lao People’s Democratic Republic,LA
- Lebanon,LE
- Macao,MC
- Malaysia,MY
- Maldives,MV
- Mongolia,MG
- Myanmar,BM
- Nepal,NP
- Oman,MU
- Pakistan,PK
- Palestine State of,WE
- Philippines,RP
- Qatar,QA
- Saudi Arabia,SA
- Singapore,SG
- Sri Lanka,LK
- Syrian Arab Republic,SY
- Taiwan Province of China,TW
- Tajikistan,TJ
- Thailand,TH
- Timor-Leste,TL
- Turkmenistan,TM
- United Arab Emirates,AE
- Uzbekistan,UZ
- Vietnam,VN
- Yemen,YE
South America
- Argentina,AR
- Bolivia (Plurinational State of),BL
- Brazil,BR
- Chile,CI
- Colombia,CO
- Ecuador,EC
- Falkland Islands (Malvinas),FK
- French Guiana,FG
- Guyana,GY
- Paraguay,PA
- Peru,PE
- Suriname,NS
- Uruguay,UY
- Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of),VE
- Antarctica,AY
- Bouvet Island,BV
- French Southern Territories,FS
- Heard Island and McDonald Islands,HM
Australia & Oceania
- Australia,AS
- Fiji,FJ
- Kiribati,KR
- Marshall Islands,RM
- Micronesia (Federated States of),FM
- Nauru,NR
- New Caledonia,NC
- New Zealand,NZ
- Niue,NE
- Palau,PS
- Papua New Guinea,PP
- Samoa,WS
- Solomon Islands,SB
- Tonga,TO
- Tuvalu,TV
- Vanuatu,VU
Other Types of Country Abbreviations
Plenty of other organizations sort countries and territories into county abbreviations, and often you will notice they are similar to the most commonly used ones. Here is a list of some of the most common country code abbreviations.
Examples of UN M49 codes
- Afghanistan,004
- Brazil,076
- China,156
- Germany,276
- India,356
- Japan,392
- Nigeria,566
- Russia,643
- South Africa,710
- United States of America,840
Examples IOC country codes
- United States,USA
- France,FRA
- United Kingdom,GBR
- Australia,AUS
- Germany,GER
- Brazil,BRA
- South Africa,RSA
- China,CHN
- Jamaica,JAM
- India,IND
Examples of FIFA country codes
- Brazil,BRA
- Argentina,ARG
- Germany,GER
- France,FRA
- Spain,ESP
- Portugal,POR
- Italy,ITA
- England,ENG
- Mexico,MEX
- Netherlands,NED
Examples of NATO country codes
- United States,US
- Canada,CA
- United Kingdom,UK
- Germany,DE
- France,FR
- Italy,IT
- Spain,ES
- Turkey,TR
- Greece,GR
- Poland,PL
How to Use Country Codes In Your Life or Work
So now you know all the most useful country abbreviations why and how do you use them? Well, ISO country abbreviations and codes, in particular, are super helpful for a lot of things, like calling someone abroad, sending packages overseas, or even organizing data by country. If you're working or dealing with people from different countries, knowing and using these codes is a good idea to avoid confusion and to make life a bit easier!
What country code abbreviation is no?
What is the abbreviation for Pakistan?
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Is there a 2 letter country code?