The future continuous or future progressive is a perfect tense to use when discussing an event or action taking place in the future continuously; in other words, an action in the future that’s ongoing. For example:

  • The theater show will be playing until December.

We use the following structure to form the future continuous tense in the affirmative.

Subject + will + be + present participle verb + ing

However, the future tense can also be in the affirmative, negative, or interrogative. If you carry on reading, we will be explaining them all, so hold tight!

How Does The Future Continuous Tense Work?

This tense has a few functions and can be used in many situations.

  1. When giving information about a future continuous event.
  2. When talking about an action taking place in the future that may be interrupted by another action, I will be studying when you arrive.
  3. When talking about an interrupted action, like above, you can also add an adverb of time. For example, at 11 when you arrive, I will be studying.
  4. For activities taking place at the same time. For example, I will be eating with you tonight, but John will be going to his friends.
  5. This tense is generally used for parallel activities when we talk about the mood or atmosphere of a specific situation. For example, when I get home, I’m going to be extremely busy; Fran will be cooking dinner, Jerry will be studying, and I will be working a little.
  6. For example, when discussing future plans that are expected to happen, Amazon will be delivering my package tomorrow morning.

Future Continuous: Affirmative Statement

We’ve already talked about the future continuous tense in the affirmative, but here’s how it’s formed in case you forget!

Subject + will + be + present participle verb + ing

Example sentences in the future progressive affirmative:

  • She will be traveling across Asia next year.
  • I will be starting at my new school soon.
  • You will be receiving more information next week.
  • Sorry, I can’t make it. I will be going for lunch with my family.
  • I’ll be leaving work at the usual time today.

Future Continuous: Negative Statement

The future continuous tense can also be a negative statement. Here’s how it’s formed.

Subject + will + -not + be + present participle verb + ing 

Example sentences in the future progressive negative:

  • I will not be coming to your house tonight. I have too much to do!
  • She will not be working here next year.
  • They will not be coming to preschool next week. They’re still sick.
  • I will not be going vegan anytime soon.
  • Amazon will not be delivering my package tomorrow; they are striking.

Future Continuous: Interrogative Statement

We use the interrogative statement when asking questions. The form changes slightly like this.

Will + subject + be + present participle verb + ing + ?

  • Will she be eating at ours tomorrow?
  • Will you be staying at home all day?
  • Will Kelly be moving to the U.S.A next year?
  • Will the sun be shining tomorrow?

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences in affirmative, negative, and interrogative. See if you can guess which ones are which!

  • In 2050, Europe will be working on providing more energy-efficient cars. 
  • I will be going to University next year; I can’t wait! 
  • Will we be eating out tomorrow?
  • Will the subway be running next week?
  • She will not be living here much longer! 
  • I’m not sure I will be staying here much longer.
  • We will not be coming to your wedding.
  • You will not be going, and that’s final!
  • I will be going to the shops later, do you want anything?
  • In 20 years, it will be difficult buying a house.
  • I will be staying in Nashville next week. Want to meet up? 
  • She will be jumping and playing all day if you don't stop feeding her candies! 
  • We will be camping out in the forest when you visit. 
  • They will not be coming for dinner; they’re busy.
  • I will be practicing tomorrow if you want to join me.
  • Will he be lighting the BBQ pit? If not, I'll do it! 
  • Will they be bringing a bag?
  • If everything goes to plan, she will be graduating next year from college.
  • What if it will be raining? Will I be needing to bring a jacket?
  • If you come at 8, I will be making breakfast.

Future Continuous Quiz

Try out our future continuous quiz! Got a question wrong? Don't worry. Press reset and try again.

1. Sam _____ running late. He is stuck in traffic.

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

2. Next week, I ____________ in Nashville. Want to meet up?

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

3. I ________ starting at my new school next week.

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

4. _____ the sun be shining tomorrow?

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

5. Will you ____ working when I arrive?

Choose the best answer from the choices below

Possible answers

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