These common noun worksheets for kindergarten students are common core language standard aligned and paperless. They can be used by classroom and homeschool teachers for timesaver ELA activities. Kindergarten students will work on using frequently occurring nouns in everyday language and practice forming regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ flashcards. We also have paperless picture flashcards to build vocabulary, as well as a sort common nouns into categories activity.
Recognizing and Using Nouns & Verbs With Quiz
In this paperless worksheet and quiz, kindergarten students look at the picture, then take the quiz to identify which pictures are common nouns and which are common verbs. Classroom teachers and parents can read out the question and answers aloud or help kindergartners to sound out the words. Got a question wrong? Press reset and try again.
Look at the picture! Is it a noun or a verb?
- A noun is the name of a person, thing, animal, or object.
- A verb is a word that describes what the person, thing, animal, or object does.
- Mom is a noun and a person; play is a verb and something you do.
Is DAD a person, place, thing, or action?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Is PUPPY a person, place, thing, or action?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Is DANCE a person, place, thing, or action?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Is TEACHER a person, place, thing, or action?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Is SING a person, place, thing, or action?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Forming Plural Nouns Flashcards
Practice making nouns plural by shouting them aloud with these flashcards. Can you make the noun plural? Remember, plural means more than one, so 1+ is like 1 dog or 2 dogs.
How do you make this noun plural? Add an /s/ or /es/
Common Noun Flashcards
Use these paperless flashcards to help teach common nouns to kids. Teachers, homeschoolers, and online tutors can use these pictures to practice sounding out the nouns to build vocabulary and knowledge of what a noun is.

Common Noun Flashcards

Common Noun Flashcards

Common Noun Flashcards

Common Noun Flashcards

Common Noun Flashcards

Common Noun Flashcards

Common Noun Flashcards
Sort the Common Nouns Into Groups
This common nouns worksheet works on the Common Core language CCSS.L.K.5.A. skill, helping kindergarten students sort common nouns into categories.
Checkpoint ✔️
Where Does the Common Noun Belong? Does a bee belong in a car or garden? Drag-and-drop the common noun to where it belongs.
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