(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led
declarer ruffs the opening lead and plays a trump
a helpful or admirable person
Spencer's doctor is a trump—I am like a new man
(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) play a trump on (a card of another suit)
why on earth did you trump my ace?
declarer trumped the last losing spade in dummy
if he trumped with the 6 or 10, the opponents could overruff
surpass (something) by saying or doing something better
taste trumps most if not all other factors when consumers choose food products
a trumpet or a trumpet blast
would these pitiful dead not rise at the first blast of the trump?
break wind audibly
someone just trumped in a crowded lift