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10 Letter Words

Ten Letter Words are often very useful for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list will help you to find the top scoring words to beat the opponent. Word Finder by WordTips gives you a list of words ordered by their word game points of your choice.

10 Letter Words

What is the highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 10 letters?

The highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 10 letters is RAZZMATAZZ with a total of 49 points.



  • noisy, showy, and exciting activity and display designed to attract and impress

Synonyms: ceremony, ceremoniousness, ceremonial, solemnity, ritual, display, spectacle, pageantry, pageant

10 Letter Words starting with
10 Letter Words ending in
10 Letter Words with

If you are a fan of word games, knowing some 10 letter words is a powerful tool for scoring big points. A well-played longer word will give some helpful bonuses. In Scrabble and Words with Friends, longer words can set you up for double and triple-word scores. They also provide a sturdy framework, giving you space to build even more wonderful words with your letter tiles.
Ten letter words can be a challenge. Most players can quickly come up with quite a few five or six-letter words. Although there are plenty of words with 10 letters in the dictionary, you may struggle to come up with them on the fly. If you are a serious word game player, you may want to work at expanding your vocabulary to include 10 letter words.

10-Letter Words FAQ

How many 10 letter words are in the English language?

When you look at lists of words by length, the number of words with ten letters varies. Some lists have over 100,000 words but include proper names and hyphenated forms that would not be acceptable in the OCTWL. Suffice it to say that there are ample words with ten letters that you can play in your favorite word games.

Are there any 10 letter verbs?

If you like to UNSCRAMBLE letters, you have already found a 10-letter verb. It is important to UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE that verbs of this length are not as unusual as you think. If you learn the list, it will COMPLIMENT your game-playing skills and ACCELERATE you toward victory.

What are some ten-letter words that start with A?

APPARENTLY, people who enjoy word-centered ACTIVITIES need ASSISTANCE in finding ADDITIONAL words that start with A. There are a number of ATTRACTIVE possibilities. Finding the perfect one for your game will not give you a headache requiring ANALGESICS. Your competitors will gaze ADMIRINGLY at your perfectly ADMISSIBLE word choices.
