Want to teach your students about rhyme? Rhyming words for kids are hugely important, especially for developing strong reading, writing skills, and other essential skills. Studies have shown that kids who can pick up on the sound of the English language increase their verbal skills, cognitive skills, and phonological awareness, too. So, teaching words that rhyme can greatly impact a child's developmental skills and set them up for the future. Silly songs, nursery rhymes, and rhyming word lists are powerful resources to have on hand, especially for learning about word families and the patterns of words; they aren't just fun for preschoolers and elementary; they're educational too. Scroll down for fun play to learn activity ideas designed for busy parents and teachers with minimal prep time.
Rhyming Words for Preschoolers List
Learning about words that rhyme can start as early as preschool to provide a solid foundation for literacy, especially for early learners showing interest in English vocabulary. This rhyming words list is designed for preschoolers to develop strong language abilities, but you can use it with struggling or early readers too.
The An Family
- Can
- Man
- Pan
- Gran
- Ran
The At Family
- Cat
- Mat
- Sat
- Bat
- Fat
The Og Family
- Frog
- Dog
- Jog
- Log
- Fog
The Ot Family
- Hot
- Not
- Spot
- Got
- Pot
Flashcard Checkpoint
Flip the flashcard by clicking on it and reveal the answer!
3-Letter Rhyming Words List
Check out our 3-letter rhyming words list for a simple introduction to rhyming words for kids to learn more about rhyming patterns, improve phonological awareness, and for playing around with.
The Ab Word Family
- Fab
- Tab
- Lab
- Tab
- Cab
The Ad Word Family
- Dad
- Mad
- Sad
- Had
- Rad
The Am Word Family
- Jam
- Sam
- Bam!
- Ham
- Yam
The Ar Word Family
- Car
- Far
- Jar
- Are
- Star
3-letter Rhyming Words Worksheets - Digital Classroom
Look at the pictures and answer the question in the quiz below. You will find three separate words that rhyme worksheets with quiz questions after each one. Focus on the An, Am, and Ad word family with our short, interactive resources.
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An Family

An Family

An Family

An Family
An Family Quiz
Try out this free words that rhyme for kids' multiple-choice answer quiz using the examples from the word lists. Got a question wrong? Don’t worry. Press reset and try again.
Which of these words rhymes with man?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Am Family
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Am Family

Am Family

Am Family

Am Family
Am Family Quiz
Practice words that rhyme with this Am family quiz. Got a question wrong? Don’t worry. Press reset and try again.
Which of these words rhymes with yam?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Ad Family
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Ad Family

Ad Family

Ad Family

Ad Family
Ad Family Quiz
Practice words that rhyme with this Ad family quiz. Got a question wrong? Don’t worry. Press reset and try again.
Which of these words rhymes with dad?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Rhyming Words Lists for Early Elementary
These rhyming word lists are for early elementary kids to work on recognizing and producing correct rhyming words according to the common core standards for early elementary. At this stage of rhyme recognition, it's much more important to play around with rhyme time and introduce age-appropriate skills with fun rhyming activities. Scroll down for a quick checkpoint quiz.
Words That Rhyme With -AG
- Bag
- Rag
- Nag
- Tag
- Wag
Words That Rhyme With -AKE
- Bake
- Make
- Take
- Cake
- Fake
- Sake
Words That Rhyme With -AME
- Blame
- Name
- Came
- Game
- Same
Words That Rhyme With -AP
- Cap
- Map
- Nap
- Rap
- Yap
- Zap
- Lap
- Sap
Words That Rhyme With -AY
- Day
- Hay
- Lay
- May
- Pay
- Say
- Way
- Spray
Words That Rhyme With -AT
- Sat
- Mat
- Pat
- That
- Rat
Words That Rhyme With -EN
- Pen
- Den
- Hen
- Men
- When
- Ten
- Then
Words That Rhyme With -ET
- Pet
- Met
- Net
- Yet
- Let
- Wet
Early Readers Rhyming Words Quiz
Try this quiz to test your students on words that rhyme. Got a question wrong? Don't worry. Press reset and try again.
Which of these words rhyme with sat?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Which of these words rhyme with then?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Which of these words rhyme with day?
Choose the best answer from the choices below
Gaining an Ear for Rhyme Classroom Activity Ideas
Rhymes for children should be fun and engaging to develop their understanding of the connection between sounds to encourage their language development. Focus on simple topics like body parts and everyday objects for a strong vocabulary. Here are some awesome activity ideas that you can try.
Object Memory Game
Collect a set of objects that have rhyming pairs. For example, you could use a toy car, a small pan, a pen, and a ten-dollar note. Have your students pick out the objects from a small bag or bin one at a time. Ask them if they know of any words that rhyme with that object. You could even have some flashcards with the words written out to help them. Once they've identified the rhyming pairs and picked out all the objects, you can see if they remember other rhyming pairs for those objects. Helping your child with recognition through fun rhyming activities will improve their verbal and communication skills.
Body Parts Game
Body parts and rhyme for kids go hand in hand. Get your students moving and working on their kinaesthetic learning skills by playing what body part rhymes with this word...? Hold up a flashcard, use our word lists, or spell out a word and have students point to a body part that rhymes with that word. For example, leg rhymes with peg, and so forth. You could even use this activity with pictures.
Have a question? See if we’ve answered it here!
Words that rhyme with it?
Words that rhyme with day?
How do I teach my child about rhyme?