Did you know that P is the 16th letter in the English alphabet? It's also a fairly common starting letter, so with that in mind, here are all the adjectives that start with P that you need to know. We've got positive p adjectives, adjectives with p to describe a person, and a list of adjectives starting with P for kids to build their vocabulary and spelling-sound correspondences. Are you ready to showcase your powerful vocabulary?
11 Positive Adjectives That Start with P
We all need a bit of positivity in our lives, so let's make that possible with these positive adjectives that start with a P! Whether you want to describe your pragmatic younger sister or a picturesque scene from your window.
- Panoramic - wide and comprehensive
- Paradisiacal - is idyllic and heavenly
- Perspicacious - perceptive and understanding
- Pervasive - spreads widely and is broad
- Picturesque - visually attractive
- Pleasant - enjoyable and pleasing
- Praiseworthy - something that deserves honor
- Productive - successful and hardworking
- Protean - something that is versatile and can change, is adaptable
- Pure - not affected by outside influences, not mixed
Adjectives That Start with P to Describe a Person and Things People Do
There are tons of ways to describe a person using a P adjective. Try describing a dog waiting patiently for its food or a philanthropic celebrity.
- Perseverant - showing persistence in doing something
- Philanthropic - a charitable person and gives to others
- Polish - someone who is from or related to Poland
- Polished - a sophisticated person, well put together, or skillful
- Polite - well mannered, show respect towards others
- Prudent - a person who shows good judgment, is cautious
- Pregnant - expecting a baby, developing an embryo or fetus
- Portuguese - someone who is from or related to Portugal
- Preoccupied - having your mind on something else
- Polyamorous - a person who loves many and engages in multiple consensual romantic relationships
- Plucky - someone who is brave and courageous
Example Sentences
- My great-grandmother was Polish but moved to the US when she was fifteen.
- Jenny’s boss was rude, but she had to be polite if she wanted to keep her job.
- It's always prudent to have a backup plan so you're prepared if things don't go as expected.
Negative Adjectives That Start with P
- Pompous - self-important and arrogant
- Possessive - trying to control and dominate, not able to share
- Pusilimamous - lacking in courage, timid, not determined
- Patronizing - treating others as if they are less important or know less, condescending
- Pessimistic - always believing the worst, lacking in hope
- Provocative - causing annoyance or a reaction
- Poor - lacking enough money to live sufficiently according to societal standards
- Painful - something that causes hurt or pain
- Petty - not letting things go, concerned over small details
- Passive - inactive, submissive
- Prejudiced - showing a strong dislike of a particular group or person because of gender, race, or experience
- Perfidious - not to be trusted, deceitful
Example Sentences
- Tom's pessimistic attitude toward life began getting on his partner's nerves.
- They discovered his perfidious intentions when they caught him lying.
- He was too pusillanimous to stand up for his beliefs and always backed down if someone questioned him.
Checkpoint ✔️
Drag the meaning to the positive adjective starting with P.
Visually attractive
Something that deserves honor
Something that is versatile and can change, is adaptable
Idyllic and heavenly
Adjectives That Start with P for Kids
P adjectives for kids are a great way to work on building vocabulary and understanding how to use adjectives in sentences. We've got beginner P adjectives for kindergarteners, adjectives for elementary, and more complex adjectives starting with P for middle schoolers to dig into.
P Adjectives for Kindergarten
These P adjectives are for beginners; use them to show younger kids how to work on the P consonant sound and spelling-sound correspondences.
- Playful - fun and play
- Polite - showing respect for others
- Patient - able to wait calmly for something
- Powerful - being strong and powerful
- Pretty - nice to look at
- Proud - feeling happy about your achievements
- Pink - a light red color
- Positive - feeling good about something
- Puzzled - confused about something, not sure
Example Sentences
- The pink flower is pretty.
- My mom is powerful.
- When do you feel proud?
Adjectives Starting with P Picture Flashcards
Need help explaining these adjectives to your kindergartners. Use these P-adjective picture flashcards.

P Adjectives for Kindergarten
Can you spell-sound this adjective aloud?

Can you spell-sound this adjective aloud?

Can you spell-sound this adjective aloud?

Can you spell-sound this adjective aloud?
Adjectives Starting with P for Elementary
Adjectives starting with P to describe people, things, or ideas for elementary kids' word list.
- Precious - valuable, treasured, or rare
- Pleased - feeling happy with something
- Perfect - flawless, doesn’t have any faults
- Peaceful - calm and free
- Popular - well-liked
- Petite - small in size
- Purple - a dark blue-red color
- Precise - accurate and exact
- Prickly - covered in sharp points or thorns
- Puffy - full of air, gas, swollen
Example Sentences
- Her eyes are puffy because of the pollen.
- My bedroom is peaceful.
- They found a precious box, but it was locked.
P Adjectives Middle Schoolers Need to Know
Struggling to search for P adjectives to fit into your essay or work? Pluck one of these out and see if it fits!
- Profound - something that is deep and makes you think more
- Paradoxical - something that contradicts but is surprisingly true
- Paramount - very important, uttermost importance
- Passionate - showing or feeling intense enthusiasm for something
- Patriotic - proud and devoted to the country you were born
- Pensive - intense thinking, deep thoughts
- Perceptive - able to get and understand things quickly
- Persistent - never give up despite setbacks
- Persuasive - very convincing
- Poignant - something that gives you strong emotions or feelings
- Pragmatic - something or someone sensible and practical in approach
- Precocious - showing or having exceptional skills or talents at a young age
- Proactive - take charge, being driven, doing something before being told
- Proficient - able to do something well with skill
- Prolific - lots of it, plentiful, productive
Example Sentences
- Samantha is a passionate guitar player and practices every day after school.
- The Pandemic was a poignant moment in modern history.
- Mozart was described as a precocious child. At a very young age, he displayed an extraordinary talent for music composition and performance.
Using P Adjectives in Sentences
How do you use these adjectives in a sentence? By now, you know a plethora of adjectives that start with P, but even the most positively awesome wordsmiths might have trouble using these words in a sentence. Reading these P adjectives can help you better understand how to use them and stop your brain from going into pensive overdrive.
- Her plea to get a hamster was very persuasive.
- He is passionate about anime.
- I think our approach right now is too pragmatic. We need to be more creative.
- Our dress sizes range from petite to extra large.
- Students who want to succeed need to be proactive to achieve their goals.
- They told us our safety was paramount but didn’t help us when we got in trouble.
- He is very patriotic about his home country.
- The sunset had a pink, reddish hue.
- She spent all morning pretty puzzled about what her boss wanted her to do.
- As a young boy, his teachers told me he was very perceptive.
- I am highly proficient in making candles.