move or cause to move in a specified direction
he passed through towns and villages
a plane was passing lazily overhead
the freedom to pass along the highway
they passed from view
he passed a weary hand across his forehead
pass an electric current through it
go past or across; leave behind or on one side in proceeding
on the way to the station she passed a cinema
the two vehicles had no room to pass each other
we will not let you pass
transfer (something) to someone, especially by handing or bequeathing it to the next person in a series
your letter has been passed to Mr Rich for action
pass the milk
the poem was passed from generation to generation
he passed her a cup
(of a candidate) be successful in (an examination, test, or course)
she passed her driving test
(of a legislative or other official body) approve or put into effect (a proposal or law) by voting on it
the bill was passed despite fierce opposition
forgo one's turn in a game or an offered opportunity to do or have something
we pass on pudding and have coffee
an act or instance of moving past or through something
repeated passes with the swipe card
an unmarked plane had been making passes over his house
a success in an examination, test, or course
an A-level pass in Music
a 100 per cent pass rate
a card, ticket, or permit giving authorization for the holder to enter or have access to a place, form of transport, or event
a bus pass
you could only get in with a pass
an amorous or sexual advance made to someone
she made a pass at Stephen
a rejection or dismissal
those who don't like oily food may want to give this a pass
I took a pass on his request for help
a state or situation of a specified, usually undesirable, nature
things came to such a pass that these gentlemen sat coldly at the meetings not daring to speak out freely and honestly
this is a sad pass for a fixture that used to crackle with excitement
an act of refraining from bidding during the auction
said when one does not know the answer to a question, for example in a quiz
to the enigmatic question we answered ‘Pass’