a device for lifting heavy objects, especially one for raising the axle of a motor vehicle off the ground so that a wheel can be changed or the underside inspected
a playing card bearing a representation of a soldier, page, or knave, normally ranking next below a queen
a socket designed to receive a jack plug
a plug used in a jack socket, consisting of a shaft used to make a connection that transmits a signal, typically used in sound equipment
a small white ball in bowls, at which the players aim
a game played by tossing and catching small round pebbles or star-shaped pieces of metal or plastic
used to typify an ordinary man
he had that world-weary look of the working Jack who'd seen everything
a small version of a national flag flown at the bow of a vessel in harbour to indicate its nationality
a device for turning a spit
a part of the mechanism in a spinet or harpsichord that connects a key to its corresponding string and causes the string to be plucked when the key is pressed down
a marine fish that is typically laterally compressed with a row of large spiky scales along each side, important in many places as food or game fish
the male of various animals, especially a merlin
used in names of animals that are smaller than similar kinds, e.g. jack snipe
a sleeveless padded tunic worn by foot soldiers
take (something) illicitly; steal
what's wrong is to jack somebody's lyrics and not acknowledge the fact
tired of or bored with someone or something
people are getting jack of strikes