a short section of a canal or river with gates and sluices at each end which can be opened or closed to change the water level, used for raising and lowering boats
there was a lock every quarter of a mile
the turning of the front wheels of a vehicle to change its direction of motion
a player in the second row of a scrum
a person or thing that is certain to succeed; a certainty
all of this makes him a lock to make the Hall of Fame
a mechanism for exploding the charge of a gun
restrict access to the full functionality or data of (a computer, mobile phone, file, etc.), especially by requiring a user to verify their identity with a passcode or other form of authentication
my computer is locked and I've forgotten my login info
I don't want people to read my emails—that's why I lock my phone
make or become rigidly fixed or immovable
he locked his hands behind her neck
their gaze locked for several long moments
go through a lock on a canal
we locked through at Moore Haven