a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion, or using pegs to adjust the position of something
a steering rack
an instrument of torture consisting of a frame on which the victim was stretched by turning rollers to which the wrists and ankles were tied
a triangular structure for positioning the balls in pool
a woman's breasts
that chick's got a nice rack
a set of antlers
moose have the most impressive racks of all the antlered animals
a bed
place in or on a rack
the shoes were racked neatly beneath the dresses
move by a rack and pinion
raise (rent) above a fair or normal amount
a horse's gait in which both hoofs on either side in turn are lifted almost simultaneously, and all four hoofs are off the ground together at certain moments
(of a horse) move with a rack gait
go away
‘Rack off mate, or you're going to cop it,’ he bellowed
a joint of meat, typically lamb, that includes the front ribs
my favourite dish on the menu was a densely seasoned rack of lamb
draw off (wine, beer, etc.) from the sediment in the barrel
the wine is racked off into large oak casks
a mass of high, thick, fast-moving clouds
there was a thin moon, a rack of cloud
(of a cloud) be driven before the wind
a thin shred of cloud racking across the moon