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5 Letter Words with LEV

5 Letter Words with LEV are often very useful for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list will help you to find the top scoring words to beat the opponent. Word Finder by WordTips gives you a list of words ordered by their word game points of your choice. You might also be interested in 5 Letter Words starting with LEV.
Are you playing Wordle? Try our New York Times Wordle Solver or use the Include and Exclude features on our 5 Letter Words page when playing Dordle, WordGuessr or other Wordle-like games. They help you guess the answer faster by allowing you to input the good letters you already know and exclude the words containing your bad letter combinations.

What is the highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 5 letters and has LEV?

The highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 5 letters and has LEV is LEVEL with a total of total of 11 points.

  • If the top letter is a double letter then the score is: 16 points
  • If the top letter is a triple letter then the score is: 21 points
  • If the word lands on a double word then the score is: 22 points
  • If the word lands on a triple word then the score is: 33 points


  • a horizontal plane or line with respect to the distance above or below a given point
  • a position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality

Synonyms: quantity, amount, extent, measure, degree, volume, size

  • (in a video game) each of a series of stages of increasing difficulty through which a player may progress, completing one stage in order to reach the next
  • an instrument marked with a line parallel to the plane of the horizon for testing whether things are horizontal
  • a flat tract of land


  • having a flat, horizontal surface

Synonyms: flat, smooth, even, uniform, plane, flush, plumb, regular, true

  • at the same height as someone or something else

Synonyms: aligned, on the same level as, on a level, at the same height as, in line, balanced

  • having the same relative position; not in front of or behind

Synonyms: aligned, on the same level as, on a level, at the same height as, in line, balanced


  • make (something, especially a score in sport) equal or similar

Synonyms: make equal, equal, even, even up, make level

  • aim (a weapon)

Synonyms: aim, point, direct, train, sight, focus, turn, beam, zero in on, draw a bead on

  • ascertain differences in the height of (land)
5 Letter Words
5 Letter Words starting with
5 Letter Words ending in
5 Letter Words with