put down and set in position for use
it is advisable to have your carpet laid by a professional
(of a female bird, insect, reptile, or amphibian) produce (an egg) from inside the body
flamingos lay only one egg
the hens were laying at the same rate as usual
have sex with
follow (a specified course)
I'm going to lay a course for Ibiza harbour
trim (a hedge) back, cutting the branches half through, bending them down, and interweaving them
most hedges are no longer laid
the general appearance of an area of land
the lay of the surrounding countryside
an act or instance of having sex
the laying of eggs or the period during which they are laid
the onset of lay may be marked by a dropping of the duck's abdomen
not ordained into or belonging to the clergy
a lay preacher
not having professional qualifications or expert knowledge, especially in law or medicine
a lay member of the Health Authority
a short lyric or narrative poem meant to be sung
a minstrel recited a series of lays
(of a person or animal) be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface
the body lay face downwards on the grass
I had to lie down because I was groggy
Lily lay back on the pillows and watched him
be, remain, or be kept in a specified state
the abbey lies in ruins today
putting homeless families into private houses that would otherwise lie empty
(of a place) be situated in a specified position or direction
Kexby lies about five miles due east of York
(of an action, charge, or claim) be admissible or sustainable
an action for restitution would lie for money paid in breach of the law
tell a lie or lies
why had Ashenden lied about his visit to London?
‘I am sixty-five,’ she lied