a river of southern France, which rises in the Auvergne and flows 480 km (300 miles) west to meet the River Garonne south-east of Bordeaux
(in the Bible) the nephew of Abraham, who was allowed to escape from the destruction of Sodom (Gen. 19). His wife, who disobeyed orders and looked back, was turned into a pillar of salt
a large number or amount; a great deal
there are a lot of actors in the cast
they took a lot of abuse
a lot can happen in eight months
we had lots of fun
Debbie nurses lots of animals back to health
a great deal; much
he played tennis a lot last year
thanks a lot
my life is lots better now
I feel a whole lot better
an item or set of items for sale at an auction
nineteen lots failed to sell
the making of a decision or nomination of a person by random selection, especially by a method involving the choice of one from a number of pieces of folded paper, one of which has a concealed mark
officers were elected rather than selected by lot
a plot of land assigned for sale or for a particular use
a vacant lot
a fenced-off back lot
divide (items) into lots for sale at an auction
the contents have already been lotted up, and the auction takes place on Monday