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5 Letter Words ending in UND

5 Letter Words ending in UND are often very useful for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list will help you to find the top scoring words to beat the opponent. Word Finder by WordTips gives you a list of words ordered by their word game points of your choice. You might also be interested in 5 Letter Words with UND.
Are you playing Wordle? Try our New York Times Wordle Solver or use the Include and Exclude features on our 5 Letter Words page when playing Dordle, WordGuessr or other Wordle-like games. They help you guess the answer faster by allowing you to input the good letters you already know and exclude the words containing your bad letter combinations.

What is the highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 5 letters and ends with UND?

The highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 5 letters and ends with UND is BOUND with a total of total of 11 points.

  • If the top letter is a double letter then the score is: 15 points
  • If the top letter is a triple letter then the score is: 19 points
  • If the word lands on a double word then the score is: 22 points
  • If the word lands on a triple word then the score is: 33 points


  • walk or run with leaping strides

Synonyms: leap, jump, spring, bounce, hop, vault, hurdle


  • a leaping movement towards or over something

Synonyms: leap, jump, spring, bounce, hop, vault, hurdle


  • a territorial limit; a boundary

Synonyms: borders, boundaries, confines, limits, outer limits, extremities, margins, edges, fringes, marches


  • form the boundary of; enclose

Synonyms: enclose, surround, encircle, circle, ring, circumscribe, border


  • going or ready to go towards a specified place



  • certain to be or to do or have something

Synonyms: certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed, destined, predestined, fated

  • restricted or confined to a specified place
  • (of a book) having a specified binding
  • (of a grammatical element) occurring only in combination with another form


  • tie or fasten (something) tightly together

Synonyms: tie, tie up, fasten (together), hold together, secure, make fast, attach

  • stick together or cause to stick together in a single mass

Synonyms: stick, cohere

  • cause (people) to feel united

Synonyms: unite, join, bond, knit together, draw together, yoke together

  • impose a legal or contractual obligation on
  • fix together and enclose (the pages of a book) in a cover
  • trim (the edge of a piece of material) with a decorative strip

Synonyms: trim, hem, edge, border, fringe, rim, band

  • (of a quantifier) be applied to (a given variable) so that the variable falls within its scope. For example, in an expression of the form ‘For every x, if x is a dog, x is an animal’, the universal quantifier is binding the variable x
  • (of a rule or set of grammatical conditions) determine the relationship between (coreferential noun phrases)
5 Letter Words
5 Letter Words starting with
5 Letter Words ending in
5 Letter Words with