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5 Letter Words starting with BOXES

5 Letter Words beginning with BOXES are often very useful for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list will help you to find the top scoring words to beat the opponent. Word Finder by WordTips gives you a list of words ordered by their word game points of your choice. You might also be interested in 5 Letter Words with BOXES.
Are you playing Wordle? Try our New York Times Wordle Solver or use the Include and Exclude features on our 5 Letter Words page when playing Dordle, WordGuessr or any other Wordle-like games. They help you guess the answer faster by allowing you to input the good letters you already know and exclude the words containing your bad letter combinations.

5 Letter Words

What is the highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 5 letters and starts with BOXES?

The highest scoring word in Words With Friends that has 5 letters and starts with BOXES is BOXES with a total of 15 points.



  • a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid

Synonyms: carton, pack, packet, package

  • an area on a page that is to be filled in or that contains separate printed matter
  • a separate section or enclosed area reserved for a group of people in a theatre or sports ground, or for witnesses or the jury in a law court
  • a protective casing for a piece of a mechanism
  • a facility at a newspaper office for receiving replies to an advertisement
  • a woman's vagina


  • put in or provide with a box

Synonyms: package, pack, parcel, wrap, bundle, bale, crate


  • fight an opponent using one's fists; compete in the sport of boxing

Synonyms: fight, spar


  • a slap with the hand on the side of a person's head

Synonyms: cuff, hit, thump, slap, smack, crack, swat, punch, fist, jab, hook, knock, thwack, bang, wallop


  • a slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with small glossy dark green leaves. It is widely used in hedging and for topiary, and yields hard, heavy timber
  • any of a number of trees that have wood or foliage similar to the box tree
5 Letter Words starting with
5 Letter Words ending in
5 Letter Words with